Sunday, August 21, 2016

TV times

This week sees the Edinburgh Television Festival, with its regular thread of "Meet The Controller" sessions. Of course, at BBC TV, it's a passé title (and salary).

So you'll get to meet Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, but there are still outings for Cassian Harrison, Channel Editor, BBC4 (who's had plenty of thinking time during the Olympics) and Patrick Holland, Channel Editor, BBC2.  There's also a session with Damian Kavanagh, who keeps the title Controller despite BBC3 having no broadcast channel of its own.

There is no formal session for BBC Controller Daytime (and Early Peak), Dan McGolpin. He could, if minded,make some headlines by taking a lead from Jay Hunt's decision to bring Deal or No Deal to an end at C4. It's been running since 2005.

Mr McGolpin still has Homes Under The Hammer on his books, distinctive in some unknowable way since 2003, and Bargain Hunt, quality broadcasting at a knockdown price since 2000.

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