Friday, January 15, 2016

TV trouble

BBC personal files are occasionally discoverable, it seems - even when the person involved is/was a freelance.

Deep-voiced Tommy Vance, who died in 2005, had at least three mild brushes with BBC managers, in documents released in response to a Freedom of Information enquiry, which Auntie apparently doesn't mind sharing - and didn't take too long to find. The first was a row over car-parking at Television Centre in 1970, when Tommy was due in for Disco 2, a poorly-named predecessor of The Old Grey Whistle Test - and most of the spaces were reserved for staff working on Cup Final coverage and Apollo 13. The incident left one commissionaire 'in a collapsed state'.

The second, from 1991, is a note from an unnamed boss, following a story about DJs selling review copies of albums in The Sun; and the third, from 1988, notes that Tommy is taking 'talents of silver' for voice-overs on tv ads for records - and 'should avoid over-supporting them' on air.

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