Thursday, October 22, 2015

One down, three to go

UTV - (as was ?) - has one less new digital radio station to launch. It's surrendered its own proposed talkBUSINESS DAB slot on Digital 2 in favour of a deal with the existing London digital station, Share Radio.

This will sound quite familiar to those who grew up with BBC radio finance voices - featuring Nigel Cassidy, Ed Mitchell, Simon Rose and Sarah Pennells, and other staff with BBC Business links, like Juliette Foster, Mark Johnson and Linda Lewis.

The station started nearly a year ago, with a staff of just 20, based in studios in Pimlico. It's wholly financed by Stuart Oldham, who made his money setting up online trading operation The Share Centre. Some of the output reflects his choices - he's a former Church Commissioner, so the Choir of York Minster opens live broadcasting every day, and overnight, you get a selection of instrumental folk music tracks.

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