Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Comeback kid

It looks like there might be a moderately swift exit from purdah by Alan Yentob, after the difficulties with collapsed charity Kids Company. Though he didn't make the stage for the BBC's Future 2015 (the document uses "arts" 53 times, "drama" 36, "science" 31, "culture" 29, "music" 96, "partner" and "partnership" 59, and "creativity" a mere 10), Al was squarely defended by executive James Purnell.

"Alan is a huge resource to the BBC and a great adviser on the creativity of our serices", quoth Jim. And Alan was spotted out this week at a private show of paintings by Boris Johnson's mum.

If you can wait till 12th October, you can puchase tickets to see the Mike and Bernie Winters De Nos Jours at the Barbican. Alan will be on stage with Salman Rushdie, promoting his latest book. Tickets are a snip at £16.05 - or £6.43 if you buy the book at £18.99.

Ephraim Hardcastle in the Mail, who's taken an interest in Al's career development for some time, believes there is a fly in the ointment - hope of a peerage has gone. 'He now accepts this is out of the question,’ whispers Ephraim's source.

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