Sunday, July 20, 2014


Here's an interesting precedent - the BBC has released the performance ratings given to managers in appraisals in 2011 and 2012.  It says figures for 2013 are not available - that year the focus was "on the quality of the conversation and less on form-filling". 2014 appraisals are not finished, but presumably the BBC can make no objection to future FoI requests for the details.

In 2011, 15 of the highest-paid managers were damned with faint praise - "usually meets" the required level of performance. In 2012, the number of managers judged to have "inconsistent performance" is redacted, because the nunmber is so small, someone might work out who they are. And there were no managers marked out for "unacceptable performance", in a population of over 550 - yeah, right, as I believe the young folk say. Anyone remember anything difficult happening at Auntie during 2012 ?

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