Thursday, May 12, 2011

Social engineering at Salford

Here's a biography of the BBC's Alan Bainbridge - the italics are mine.

"Alan is the BBC Workplace Portfolio Director for the ‘Out of London’ Portfolio, which covers almost 300 locations (across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and works to a budget in excess of £100 million.

Throughout his career, Alan has gained a wealth of experience working on world-class social engineering projects in both the public and private sector (including the NHS, retail and education), ensuring maximum output is underpinned by minimum cost.

While Alan is directly responsible for leading the successful delivery of BBC North at MediaCityUK, Salford, his role is also creating new working environments and new ways of working for the BBC, which will enable creativity, flexibility and functionality as the corporation moves into the future".

Clearly a funny bunch, these Workplace Portfolio Directors. Here's a video from Estates Gazette.  Perhaps they don't tell the staff moving to Salford that it's social engineering.

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