Tuesday, March 1, 2016


The job of a BBC Director General just got a whole lot duller, with these paragraphs from the review of BBC governance by Sir David Clementi on the make-up of a new unitary board.

89. I propose that some latitude be granted in the Charter to the Chair to determine
the final size of the Board, but I would expect it to look broadly as follows:

● Chair;
● Deputy Chair;
● 4–5 Independent Non-Executive Directors with relevant skills
● 4 Non-Executive Directors for the constituent Nations of the UK, who
would also contribute with other relevant skills; and
● 2–3 Executive Directors.

90. If Government chose to continue the right to appoint the Chair, Deputy Chair and
the Non-Executive Directors for the Nations, with other Directors being appointed by the Nominations Committee of the Board, half the Board or slightly above half would be appointed independently [of Government, but, of course requiring the endorsement of a Chair picked by Government]

For a man with a record of significant work on financial regulation, it's a pity Sir David didn't tackle the pivotal role of the Chancellor of the Exchequer in shaping the BBC and suggest ways of stopping it.

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