Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Heated exchanges

Trouble on the production line at Al Jazeera America, where Matthew Luke has filed a claim for $15m in damages, alleging he was fired for blowing the whistle on his boss's sexual discrimination and discriminatory, anti-Semitic and anti-American remarks such as 'whoever supports Israel should die a fiery death in hell'.

His boss was Osman Mahmud, currently described as Senior Vice President Broadcast Operations. Osman has a British passport and a US Green Card. He studied at Westminster University, and seems to have worked as a freelance in video editing and control rooms for most of the world's tv news operations, including the BBC, Sky, CNN, CNBC, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg.

Matthew Luke was looking after video archives for Al Jaz in Washington.

Mahmud says the sexual discrimination allegation is a pack of lies and he never uttered the words complained about by Luke. In perhaps an unwise email conversation with the Washington Post, Mahmud accuses Luke of being an "an aggressive person. He yells at you."

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